The Gladewater Police Department is proud to offer a Ride Along Program, which allows citizens to ride with patrol officers while they patrol, perform traffic stops and respond to calls for service. The benefits of a program like this are invaluable to both the community and to the department. The community benefits by being able to personally witness and obtain first hand knowledge of how our officers perform our various duties while protecting and serving our citizens. During this particular program, the participants are educated in regards to the “how”, but more importantly, the “why”, Gladewater Police Officers perform specific duties.
The Gladewater Police Department ultimately reaps the rewards of this program as more and more citizens become involved in the process of helping us to improve the quality of life in the city of Gladewater. The police department recognizes the fact that we need a strong partnership with the citizens of our city to be successful and we readily accept and encourage that partnership to grow and prosper.
We encourage you to become involved in this process and to participate in this unique program.
Rules and Regulation for this program:
- Limited to once a month
- No firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind may be carried.
- No convicted felons
- No persons currently under indictment for a felony
- No persons currently having to comply with sex offender registration
- Required to obtain permission from on-duty supervisor
- Required to sign a waiver
- Participants are not permitted to enter residences on a call for service or to make contact with persons involved in a traffic stop outside of the marked patrol unit – unless an extreme emergency.
- Appropriate attire is required:
- No profane, vulgar or otherwise offensive markings on clothing shall be worn.
- No provocative clothing, short skirts, low cut tops, halter tops or tank tops will be allowed.
- Collared shirts and pants without holes in them
- Appropriate footwear – no sandals or flip flop type shoes
Click here to contact the Police Department for more information or to sign up.